Category: /Literature/Novels
… not be plagiarized
In one of
William Faulkner's greatest novels, As I lay Dying, the character's selfishness
is revealed. As I Lay Dying is a detailed account of the Bundren's family trek
Details: Words: 827 | Pages: 3.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Literature/Novels
… - Charlotte, Emily and Anne. Emily Brontë published only one novel, WUTHERING HEIGHTS (1847), a story of doomed love. The sisters also published jointly a volume of verse, POEMS BY CURRER, ELLIS AND ACTON BELL, but only two copies of the book was…
Details: Words: 1265 | Pages: 5.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Literature/Novels
… is the main focus of the work. In John Steinbeck‘s Grapes of Wrath, the Joad Family embarks upon a grueling journey to California in hopes of a better life. The family’s hopes however, of finding a better life in California are soon foiled once…
Details: Words: 592 | Pages: 2.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Literature/Novels
… Herman Melville’s novella, “Billy Budd.” Although the major conflict exists between Billy Budd and John Claggart, there are several internal conflicts found within certain characters. One of the most prominent internal conflicts is John Claggart’s.
Details: Words: 671 | Pages: 2.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Literature/Novels
… Drew became America's adored child star as the wide-eyed moppet, Gertie,in the film E.T. Three years later, Drew succumed to the addictions that haunted the barrymore family for generations.As her acting career took off, doors opened for her including…
Details: Words: 286 | Pages: 1.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Literature/Novels
… Templeton
-Sarah Templeton
-Edgler Foreman Vess
-Jack and Nina Templeton
-Two gas station attendants
Universal Conflicts:
Man vs Self
In this book, Chyna was forced to fight with Vess, while fighting against her
Details: Words: 1221 | Pages: 4.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Literature/Novels
… are all things that are very hard to deal with especially for a 15-year-old girl. The book I read was called Go Ask Alice, by anonymous. This is a true story about a girl named Alice who struggled with all these things. Go ask Alice is a dairy written…
Details: Words: 353 | Pages: 1.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Literature/Novels
Some nations have made immense political mistakes in the past that they feel would be best kept hidden from the rest of the world. Unfortunately, time and time again political systems have succeeded in hiding flagrant misdoing. Murderous…
Details: Words: 913 | Pages: 3.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Literature/Novels
… most important role in the development of our nation. It has shaped the economic and social growth of the U.S. From the time of its “discovery” by Columbus, straight through the Great Awakening our country has been firmly planted on a rock of religion…
Details: Words: 1418 | Pages: 5.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Literature/Novels
… in his novel, the “The Scarlet Letter”. Through out
this novel, Hawthorne shows the reader certain aspects of
his opinion of the Puritan society. Hawthorne is constantly
judging the Puritans and it’s standards of morality. A
number of Puritans…
Details: Words: 652 | Pages: 2.0 (approximately 235 words/page)