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Title: trainspotting
Category: /Entertainment/Movies & Film
Details: Words: 446 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
Some might say that life is defined by the choices we make. But, what if you choose your life into a meaningless existence, an existence where the only satisfaction you have is injected through the end of a hypodermic needle. Trainspotting is a British film, which ponders such an existence with a rather non-judgmental light placed upon the use of heroin. By the end, you might find a somewhat deeper meaning of life, or at …showed first 75 words of 446 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 446 total…of Renton; the walls of a grave-like opening, which is simultaneously womb-like and welcoming, move ever closer together above him. The characters in ``Trainspotting'' are violent (they attack a tourist on the street) and carelessly amoral (no one, no matter how desperate, should regard a baby the way they seem to). The legends they rehearse about each other are all based on screwing up, causing pain, and taking outrageous steps to find or avoid drugs.

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