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Learning by Doing

Title: Learning by Doing
Category: /Science & Technology/Transportation
Details: Words: 381 | Pages: 1 (approximately 235 words/page)
Learning by Doing
With practice and the right process, executive can develop a core competence in strategic thinking. This article presents a methodology executives can employ to conceive and implement creative and coherent strategies. Managers can use the methodology repeatedly to reassess the organization's direction, thereby cultivating both their competence in strategic thinking and their understanding of how strategic decisions connect to the market are most important The challenge of Redefining and Implementing Strategy The author gave us …showed first 75 words of 381 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 381 total…strategy marking themselves. New Concepts that we learned: - Managers must identify the driving forces affecting their company's health. - Mapping is a visual tool that makes managers' assumptions explicit. - When the process of mapping is complete, the implications for strategic action are usually obvious to the entire team. - A Strategy matrix shows how the company might address each driving force - The process for allocating resources across projects must mirror the strategy

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