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How has globalisation affected the world economy?

Title: How has globalisation affected the world economy?
Category: /Business & Economy/Economics
Details: Words: 2844 | Pages: 10 (approximately 235 words/page)
How has globalisation affected the world economy?
How has globalisation affected the world economy? Discuss. Globalisation what is it? How has it affected the world's economics? How will it continue to affect the global village? Is anyone being adversely affected? Globalisation - is the movement of goods, services and money capital or investment across international boundaries and in this way becomes a predominately economic phenomenon sweeping the world. Throughout which, what were formerly national companies become international conglomerates. Hence, countries are no …showed first 75 words of 2844 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 2844 total…that reasoned thought can explain the world, that material goods are of no consequence, and as a result happiness and all related phenomena and virtues are created by the mind. 10.Budget: The government's estimates of the expected value of its receipts (from personal income tax, company tax, sales tax, etc) and of it's outlays (defence, health, education, social security, etc) usually based on a one year period. EMAIL Me For the footnotes

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