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"Harry potter and the goblet of fire": directors cut

Title: "Harry potter and the goblet of fire": directors cut
Category: /Science & Technology/Transportation
Details: Words: 631 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
"Harry potter and the goblet of fire": directors cut
The Harry potter film the Goblet of Fire is the best film yet of the potter franchise. It was filmed by Mike Newell, who has taken over from Alfonso Curson who filmed the Harry potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. This was an apparently a film hard to top but, Mike Newell and his crew did it with hard well earned work and their success was well earned It starts out with Nagini the snake …showed first 75 words of 631 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 631 total…by a curious sinister voice which gets us really watching and then the cameras move in and make us able to see the set and the characters. With the lights and the objects creating shadows making it all very creepy. This does make the opening scene of the Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire and smash, exceptional brilliant, unlike the others which start very moderate. So the director has made a unique and brilliant effect.

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