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"Eating Chinese Food Naked"

Title: "Eating Chinese Food Naked"
Category: /History/Middle East History
Details: Words: 1052 | Pages: 4 (approximately 235 words/page)
"Eating Chinese Food Naked"
<Tab/>From French crullers to soup and ribs food is a key ingredient to the relationships in Mei Ng's novel, "Eating Chinese Food Naked." Stuck in a family with lack of affection, Ruby, a Chinese American college graduate struggles to finding who she is. Her problems with her family, boyfriend, job, and sexuality escalate to this books theme with food. As a way to escape from difficulties each character uses food …showed first 75 words of 1052 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1052 total…impress a significant other, while others do it out of bored. Food isn't only an essential factor to human survival but also a key component of ethnic tradition, heritage, and cultural upbringing. Even though each culture is unique and different with their own set of norms and beliefs, one thing that can bring us all together is our love for food with the ones we love. Works Cited NG, Mei. Eating Chinese Food Naked. Scribner, 1998.

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